*WARNING: Although I will try to keep this area low-spoiler, I can't make any guarantees; especially if you're not keeping up with the comic.*
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So, when it's in black and white, it's a dream/flashback?
Yes. Dreams or flashbacks will always be in black and white, and sometimes with a splash of color for emphasis, like
the red blood, for instance. But be careful. I used to do some night scenes in black and white too, so use your own
discretion. Her dreams are characteristically more messed up than real life ever should be, so it shouldn't be too hard to
tell. A lot of times too, her artificial enhancements are missing or hidden, and she's always wearing white. It's her
perception of herself, so there's another clue.
Who the heck are all these people in India's dream/flashback thingies?
A lot of the times they are her old fiance James, who disappeared without a trace. Sometimes it's Georgie, because
he's significant- he started her thinking on the whole "question everything" line of thought. Other times it's a creepy
scientist-like dude with glasses whom India seems to be afraid of. What's his significance? If I tell you, it won't be a
surprise, now will it?
Why does India never use her left-hand-cannon thingy?
Because it's painful and it synthesizes proteins so it saps her of energy. You'll also notice that she wears a glove
over it most of the time- at least until Dr. Weaver performs the operation that gets rid of the metallic-ness and makes it
look more like a synthetic arm. It makes her feel self-conscious, especially because andriods aren't awarded humanity. No
she's not an android, don't get confused, but she can come across as one with that metal thing glistening on her arm. She
saves it for emergencies, and it's useful because it can get through most security scans undetected.
What's that chip over her right eye?
If you read Chapter 7, you'd know. ~_^ It's directly connected with her brain. The Org can access her memories through it,
can record her dreams, artificually inhibit synapses, all sorts of cool stuff. It's keeping back a lot of her memories,
some on purpose, some by accident. But after Dr. Weaver comes into the picture, he modifies it so it becomes so much more
than that. It has a worldwide database so that with a simple click of a button and a conscious thought, India can access
any public information she wishes. Of course, it's a double-edged sword; being connected to the network means she can be
tracked anywhere. He also put a handy dandy little light on it, for reading in the dark and such. It's another thing she
keeps hidden under her bangs. She doesn't like being thought of as artificial.
Where's Gaelen?
He's hanging around with the other mutants in the Underworld. Don't worry, I didn't plop the winged bishounen in there just to take up
a little space. He'll get more screen time as things go on.
Is James really dead?
See Chapter 14.
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Got a question you're itching to ask? Email me at yo_topaz[at]yahoo.com. Don't be embarrassed if I post your inquiry, other people may have been wondering the same thing. It's also helpful to me to know what is unclear in the plot, in case I ever get around to doing a final draft.